Category Archives: Kota Belud

Portrait Of Iranun | Hasselblad 500cm



Portrait of Iranun taken with Hasselblad 500cm + Kodak TMAX ASA400


Somewhere In Kota Belud

Actually this images already in my flickr account for quite some time. I personally like these images but I don’t have any idea what to talk about it due to lack of other supporting images.






I Have Just One Second To Tell A Story

“One photograph takes one 250th of a second to take, So if I have an exhibition that has 250 pictures, that is just one second! I have just one second to tell a story.”

“You can sit in your house and be a great writer, but with photography the story is outside the door. You have to go and you have to go far.”

“I stood up to take the picture and the tortoise became shy and walked away. So I had to get on my knees and lower my shoulders and it was only when I was at the same level as the tortoise that it would let me take photographs. It was then that I learnt that it was important I respect other species in the same ways I respected my own. This is not dead nature I was photographing.”

–  Sebastião Salgado

No Matter What Age You Are

No matter what age you are, or what your circumstances might be, you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. Your life, because of who you are, has meaning. -Barbara de Angelis